Solidarity foreign martyrs in Palestine

Since the dawn of the Palestinian issue and with the beginnings of the Palestinian people’s struggle for their legitimate rights, many free foreign activists around the world have stood by this just cause. The suffering of the Palestinians and the injustice to which they were subjected caught the attention of many foreign sympathizers who felt that standing with truth and justice was not limited to geographical or national borders. From various parts of the world, these solidarity activists participated in support marches and global demonstrations, and contributed to conveying the voice of the Palestinian people to international forums, and even standing on the land of Palestine itself, to be witnesses to the injustice and tyranny that this people suffers from. These solidarity activists have always been a living example that the question of Palestine is not only a local issue, but rather a global symbol of the struggle for freedom and human dignity. As a result, many foreign martyrs in solidarity were martyred on the soil of Palestine by the Israeli occupation forces, which were intent on killing these foreign solidarity martyrs to prevent them from transmitting the voice of the suffering of the Palestinian people to the world.

Perhaps after the year 2000 and until 2024, the names of foreign martyrs in solidarity with the Palestinian people were as follows:

Solidarity Aisha Nour Ezqi Eghi

She holds the citizenship of the United States of America, is of Turkish origin, and is 26 years old. On September 6, 2024, she was shot by an Israeli occupation army sniper while she was participating in a solidarity march against settlement with the people of the town of Beita, which is located south of the city of Nablus. He hit her in the head and she was martyred as a result.

Solidarity Rachel Corrie

She holds the citizenship of the United States of America. She was 23 years old when she was martyred. On 3/16/2003, she tried to prevent the advance of an Israeli occupation army bulldozer in the Al-Salam neighborhood in the city of Rafah to destroy a house and bulldoze farmers’ lands, while raising the slogan “Be Human.” However, the bulldozer driver ran over her and passed his military bulldozer twice over her body.

Solidarity Harold Fisher

He holds German citizenship, is 68 years old, and is married to the Palestinian Norma Estefan. He is a retired physical therapist and lived in Beit Jala. On 11/2/2000, he was hit by an Israeli tank shell while leaving his house to respond to a distress call from a nearby house, and he was killed immediately.

Solidarity Rafael Cirillo

He holds Italian citizenship. He is a photojournalist who was on assignment for the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera to cover the events of the Second Intifada. On 3/13/2002, he was killed by Israeli occupation soldiers’ bullets inside the city of Ramallah.

Solidarity Ian Hawke

He holds British citizenship and worked as a director of a relief team affiliated with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA). On 11/22/2002, he was shot dead by an Israeli occupation army sniper while he was with a team that came to help rebuild the Jenin camp, which was demolished by the occupation in April 2002.

Solidarity James Miller

He holds British citizenship and was 34 years old when he was martyred. He was a producer, director and photojournalist. On May 2, 2003, an Israeli tank opened fire on him while he was filming a documentary about children in the Gaza Strip, entitled “Death in Gaza.” Which led to his martyrdom.

Solidarity Tom Hurndall

He holds British citizenship, is 22 years old, and worked as a photojournalist. On April 11, 2003, an Israeli occupation army sniper shot him in the head while protecting three Palestinian children by using his body as a human shield to protect them. Hurndall fell into a long coma, after which he was transferred to a London hospital to receive the necessary medical care. He was then martyred on January 13, 2004.

Martyrs of the Freedom Flotilla

He holds British citizenship, is 22 years old, and worked as a photojournalist. On April 11, 2003, an Israeli occupation army sniper shot him in the head while protecting three Palestinian children by using his body as a human shield to protect them. Hurndall fell into a long coma, after which he was transferred to a London hospital to receive the necessary medical care. He was then martyred on January 13, 2004.